Thursday, July 05, 2007

Wrestling witch hunt

The media's treatment of the Benoit tragedy has, inevitably, looked towards the more salacious elemtns of the story. However as facts begin to emerge, it is difficult to seprate the relevant ones from those intended to grab headlines. A case in point is this article from the Sun online . It claims that over 104 wrestlers have died in the last 10 years - sensational stuff. Now we all know that a higher than average percentage of wrestlers have died young, but is it really that high?

Well, let's look at the facts they claim. Of those 104 only [b]40[/b] were full-time workers in North American - that's less than half! However, they go on to claim that only a quarter have ever worked for WWE - so that's just over 20. Now, obviosuly this is an alarmingly high number, however is this just drug related deaths? Or just steroid deaths? No, this will have included accidents (like Owen Hart) and murders/suicides, like the Benoits. So when you look at those figures, are they actually any higher than other high profile sports or even Hollywood?

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