Saturday, August 18, 2007

TNA Hard Justice 2007

It was business as usual for TNA this month with their Hard Justice pay per view, which unfortunately is not a good thing. The in-ring stuff was as always, very good, however the booking completely ruined any good work they might have done. Match of the night was probably the opener, which was really good fun, but was overshadowed by all the Pacman Jones/Karen Angle crap and pretty much set the tone for the rest of the evening. Rhino vs. Storm was a good brawl that was ruined by the stupid props and the way the anounce team constantly bleated on about alcoholism (is this something they should be over-selling on a wrestling show?!) and WTF was that mannequin and toilet bowl all about?!

On a side note, the announce team is really starting to annoy me now. I have stood up for them for years, but right now they are just another part of TNA that I am starting to hate - stop telling us what someone just said Don West, we heard it the first fucking time you cretin!

Apart from that match I though the undercard was pretty forgettable. Harris vs. Black Reign was painfully slow and completely pointless (plus Black Reign looks like a twat!). Roode vs. Young I couldn't care less about, same with LAX vs. VKM. Steiners vs. Team 3D was Ok, but really showed the limitations of all involved.

Then we get to the main events, but first a word from their special guest, Pacman Jones and Jesus Christ is that guy a charisma-less void or what?! At least Killings is getting a bit of a push out of this, but Pacman is just a joke. This angle needs to end soon!

When it comes to the main events, I thought the Doomsday Chamber of blood was fine for what it was - which was a complete and total cluster-fuck - but was a nice blood-soaked cage match. The only problems I have are: 1. Styles should not be in these matches as a bump machine for Test. 2. Too much glass is being used in TNA right now. The tacks were one thing, but everyone is taking bumps into glass right now and it is completely over-killing it. There's no need and it should be a once or twice a year thing, not every month on PPV and every other week on Impact.

Then we get to the main event, and where do I even start with this? To me, this match sums up TNA perfectly. Really strong in-ring work which manages to overcome a stupid build-up, but is then ruined by an over-booked angle at the end. Until the end I thought this was actually the best of their matches so far (from an in-ring perspective) but as soon as the ref bump happened it was the signal that the good part of the match was over and that the silliness could begin. Karen Angle interferes, Joe looks like a complete dolt for trusting here (especially because he was in control of the match and winning!) and then the Angle's leave with all the gold. Also, who the hell was that bald guy she was with and why the hell should we even care! Angle has the belts, Joe's momentum is completely killed and the Kurt ego-trip can continue.

Overall verdict: C-
"More of the same mixed bag from TNA. Some good wrestling, but you have to filter through a lot of crap to find it."

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